Three Things I Personally Do to Lose Weight

Hi everyone! This week I want to share three of my "go-to" changes I make to my diet when I need to drop some body fat. 

As the owner of two gyms, and someone who promotes a healthy, balanced lifestyle, I try to practice what I preach and eat a good diet all the time. But every once in awhile, a few times a year, I tend to eat too much junk food, too often, and I end up gaining some extra, unwanted pounds.

When that happens, I have three things I do immediately. When I do these, I can usually return to my goal bodyweight and look within a month or less.

First, I use a no-carb breakfast, eating only foods with protein and fats. I made a 2-minute video explaining the no-carb breakfast here:

Second, a few days a week, I increase my protein by about 50-100%. So if normally I was eating 200 grams of protein a day, I go to 300-400 grams a day, 2-3 times a week. The extra protein makes my metabolism go into overdrive, helping me lose weight. I actually feel warmer and sweat more easily on those days.

Third, I use a special type of fasting once or twice a week. I don't do intermittent fasting, and I don't just skip breakfast - I lose muscle fast when I do those things like everyone else. Instead, I use a completely different way of fasting that helps me lose fast but keep muscle. I'll share more on that in another email.

So those are three things I personally do to lose weight. I don't count calories, and I don't use a keto diet. I just make some basic diet changes and use some commonsense and self-discipline. If you have some "go-to" changes you make when you need to lose weight, please let me know!
