Indianapolis Gym Review

Indianapolis Gym Review

Today I want to share a review of Strength School gym on the southside of Indianapolis. Joe has now been a training client for over a year, along with his teenage son. Both are getting stronger, building muscle, and feeling very healthy overall. Here is Joe’s video review of our gym in Indianapolis:

“Hi my name is Joe. I want to take a minute and let people know what I think about Strength School. I’ve had periods of my life where I’ve worked out on my own for several months at a time, and I got nowhere near the results that I have here. I came into the gym skeptical, and was hugely surprised by the results that I got.

In the first six months alone, my bench press went up nearly sixty pounds - in six months. I don’t know if that’s normal, but to me it sounds pretty ridiculous. And that’s all due to Strength School and their knowledge. Several times, I’ve even sat and thought about questions to ask the trainers here to see if I could stump them. Not once has it ever happened. I come up with difficult questions, and the trainer will go into a 15 minute speal, and I just wanted a simple answer - that’s how knowledgable they are here at the gym.

I’ve noticed several real-world major differences. For example, at work recently I encountered a handicapped man who had fallen out of his wheelchair who was at least 300 pounds. If it was not for Strength School, there’s no way I would have been able to help that man off the ground and back into his wheelchair. I recommend Strength School, they have done wonders for me.”

I hope anyone reading this, or watching the video, is inspired and motivated to begin their own health and fitness journey! Joe is still with us at Strength School over a year later, continuing to get stronger, lose body fat, and build new muscle.


Indianapolis Gym


5545 South Meridian Street

Indianapolis, IN 46217