Pantothenic Acid Supplement for Weight Loss and Acne

Pantothenic Acid Supplement for Weight Loss and Acne

Hello everyone,

This week I want to share some information about a little-known vitamin that can dramatically improve weight loss and acne. With our country becoming more and more health-conscious, many people nowadays take vitamins - vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and so on - and minerals - iron, magnesium, zinc - to supplement their diet and improve their health. Weight loss supplements like caffeine, green coffee bean extract, and yohimbine are very popular, yet we still face a rising obesity epidemic.

Pantothenic Acid Supplement for Weight Loss and Acne

One of the most important supplements we can take for weight loss is also one of the least known and rarely used. That supplement is pantothenic acid. It is also known as vitamin B-5, and it is one of the best vitamins for weight loss in females and males.

Most people have never heard of it, unless they remember the periodic table from high school chemistry class. You will be hearing more about pantothenic acid in the mainstream health news over the next few years though, as things like the keto diet and low carb eating become more and more popular.

Here are just a few of the benefits of taking pantothenic acid when dieting:

  • less fatigue

  • reduces hunger and cravings

  • burn stored bodyfat for energy and weight loss

  • less ketone production on a low-carb diet

  • promotes fat loss without exercising

Interestingly, pantothenic acid does more than help people lose fat - it improves acne in kids. Pantothenic acid also looks to be incredibly safe as a supplement. Personally, I take 10 grams per day spread over four doses. I weigh 220 pounds though, so a smaller person might consider 4-5 grams daily. Please ask your doctor before starting any new supplements or medications.
